1-It is an abbreviation for information technology : False
-The internet and the world wide web (WWW) are te same thing : True
- A browser is a person who enjoys looking at theWWW: False
- You can see pictures and words online but you cannot listen to sounds: False
- You need the newest, fastest computers to use the web: False
-Most internet users are men: False
-@ is called "at" in English: True
2- Match the words to their definitions
a browser = Software that lets to access the www
to download =To get programs from internet
to chat = Thing that connects a computer to the internet
Email= when you are connected to the internet
A modem= Move the page up or down using the side tabs whith your mouth
3-Chosse the best word to complete these sentences
-I use the fast modem to CONNECT my computer to the ineternet
-RealPlayer is computer SOFTWARE that you use to listen the music
-I always SAVE my documents on floppy disks.
-CHAT is a good way of meeting other people on the internet
-A BEEP is a sound your computer makes when there is an error
4. Answer these questions
-What is the difference between a Search Engine and a brouser? Give examples of comercial
of both. The Brouser are software programs installed on a PC and the search engine is a program,
which in different ways has the reference data added.
Exemples:Firefox, Internet Explorer (brouser), Google (Search engine)
- Which search engine do you use more?
We use more the google
-Which browser do you use more?
We use google chrome
- You can see pictures and words online but you cannot listen to sounds: False
- You need the newest, fastest computers to use the web: False
-Most internet users are men: False
-@ is called "at" in English: True
2- Match the words to their definitions
a browser = Software that lets to access the www
to download =To get programs from internet
to chat = Thing that connects a computer to the internet
Email= when you are connected to the internet
A modem= Move the page up or down using the side tabs whith your mouth
3-Chosse the best word to complete these sentences
-I use the fast modem to CONNECT my computer to the ineternet
-RealPlayer is computer SOFTWARE that you use to listen the music
-I always SAVE my documents on floppy disks.
-CHAT is a good way of meeting other people on the internet
-A BEEP is a sound your computer makes when there is an error
4. Answer these questions
-What is the difference between a Search Engine and a brouser? Give examples of comercial
of both. The Brouser are software programs installed on a PC and the search engine is a program,
which in different ways has the reference data added.
Exemples:Firefox, Internet Explorer (brouser), Google (Search engine)
- Which search engine do you use more?
We use more the google
-Which browser do you use more?
We use google chrome
These sentences are WRONG:
ResponEliminato chat = Thing that connects a computer to the internet
Email= when you are connected to the internet
A modem= Move the page up or down using the side tabs whith your mouth